Growth Hormone Deficiency & Hypopituitarism Treatment in Los Angeles & Online

Articles about Growth Hormone Deficiency and Hypopituitarism

Follow along as we present famous cases of Adrenal Insufficiency and provide tips on how to treat and manage this diagnoses.

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Adults need growth hormone too! -An article about adult growth hormone deficiency.

Is taking only growth hormone enough? Explore in depth how to restore your health through a healthy balance of eating, sleeping and exercise. Dr. Friedman addresses what supplements he recommends and advises what to avoid.

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Everything you wanted to know about pituitary hormone replacement that your doctor never told you.

Navigate through the ends and outs of pituitary hormone replacement.

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What causes weight gain?

Join us in our explorative presentation on major causes of weight gain and how to combat the battle of the bulge.

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Pituitary disorders are common, but experts in treating them properly are not!

Small changes in replacement may make a big improvement in symptoms.

Many endocrinologists do not understand how to properly replace patients with hypopituitarism and do not understand (or don’t believe in) monitoring hormone levels.

We simply see the need to do more!

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Enjoy a full live

Not just years, but quality years

Be a productive member of society

Impart wisdom to your offspring

Many issues I discuss are controversial, discuss with your doctor!

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Dr. Friedman’s web site does not offer medical advice .These materials are offered for information purposes only. Do not act or rely upon information from without seeking professional medical advice. Additionally, the transmission of information from the web site, to you, is not intended to create nor does create a physician-patient relationship between you and Dr. Friedman.