Dr. Friedman has a unique practice. He is an experienced, board-certified endocrinologist and researcher. He has the capabilities to diagnose and treat even the most difficult hormonal problems. He is compassionate, a good listener and willing to “think outside the box”.
Dr. Friedman is able to have telemedicine appointments with patients around the world and in the US. Dr. Friedman is unable to respond personally to patients looking for doctors in their area or patients that want medical advice without seeing him.
He recommends patients with hard to diagnose or treat pituitary, thyroid or adrenal disorders to make an appointment.
The last Tuesday night of each month will often be reserved for in person appointments while the other Tuesday nights are for telemedicine appointments. Make sure you book correctly for in person or telemedicine.
Tuesday nights from 5:45 to 10:45 p.m. Schedule your appointment online.
Dr. Friedman will respond to an email containing your questions during the weekend to established patients. Please e-mail the Paypal receipt for the $180 payment, list of medications, change in symptoms, and the email itself with questions to appointments@goodhormonehealth.com 3 days before. He will send you a reply, with a dictation, in four days or sooner.
20 Minute Phone Appointment….$220
Dr. Friedman offers 20 minute phone appointments Saturday night, Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings. For Saturday and Sunday morning and late afternoon appointments, payment is due by 5PM, Thursday. This appointment is required to review records such as for approval for surgery. A dictation will be provided.
10 Minute Phone Appointment….$160
10 minute phone appointments are for established patients in whom Dr. Friedman does not have to review the chart are available on weekday or Sunday mornings and weekday evenings.
Growth Hormone Stimulation Testing….$995
Growth Hormone Stimulation Testing is done on Tuesday evening and Sunday at noon to find out if the pituitary gland is releasing growth hormone into the bloodstream in the right amounts. Dr. Friedman uses the glucagon stimulation test. The test takes about four hours and involves injection of glucagon and 7 blood draws. Due to the large amount of time to renew growth hormone, Dr. Friedman is asking for patients to pay $400 deposit via PayPal to off-set the time needed for renewals.
Pituitary MRI Read….$100
After you schedule this pituitary read, you will be sent a link to upload your MRI disc. Do not send your disc by mail. Once you’ve uploaded your MRI with the link provided, Dr. Friedman will review the images over the weekend and send you a dictation with relevant screenshots of your pituitary. He does not read any other types of imaging.
For All Appointments
After your initial appointment, your follow-up appointments can be via e-mail or phone. Dr. Friedman’s philosophy is to spend as much time as needed with each patient.
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How are we doing?
We’ve worked hard on the Good Hormone Health website and believe we’ve achieved our goal of Level A accessibility. We monitor the website regularly to maintain this, but if you do find any problems, please get in touch via email at mail@goodhormonehealth.com